Announcing 1:1 in person treatment sessions in Melbourne: A Unique Blend of Somatic Coaching and Acupuncture Focused on the 7 Transformational Stages of Menopause

Announcing 1:1 in person treatment sessions in Melbourne: A Unique Blend of Somatic Coaching and Acupuncture Focused on the 7 Transformational Stages of Menopause ⋆

The Menopause Sessions


with Shae Elise Allen & Spiros Antoniades

  • Do you find it challenging to prioritise self-care amidst the demands of work, family, and personal growth?

  • Have you been feeling the need to reconnect with others who understand your journey through midlife?

  • Are you ready to embrace the wisdom and power that comes with midlife, despite cultural narratives that undervalue it?

The Menopause Sessions,


We are thrilled to announce the launch of our exclusive 1:1 treatment sessions, meticulously designed to support women through the profound journey of menopause. Our innovative approach brings together two practitioners, Shae Elise Allen and Sprios Antoniades, combining the deep wisdom of somatic coaching with the ancient healing practice of acupuncture, offering a holistic and transformative experience.

Embrace the 7 Transformational Stages of Menopause with Expert Guidance

Menopause is a natural and powerful phase in a woman’s life, marked by significant physical, emotional, and spiritual changes. Our specialised sessions focus on the 7 transformational stages of menopause, guiding you through each stage with compassion, expertise, and personalised care.

What to Expect in Our Sessions

Somatic Coaching: Our sessions delve into the connection between body, mind, and spirit. Through somatic coaching, Shae supports you explore and release emotional blockages, fostering a deeper connection to your energetic heart and body. This process empowers you to embrace your inner wisdom and navigate menopause with grace and resilience.

Acupuncture: Complementing somatic coaching, acupuncture provides a time-honored method to balance your body’s energy, alleviate symptoms, and promote overall well-being. Spiros works alongside this process, tailoring the treatment to your unique needs in response to the somatic coaching, bringing balance to menopausal hormonal shifts and ensuring a deep and restorative experience.

How we Work

The sessions begin with identifying where in the midlife transformational stages you are uniquely positioned. This is assessed through our intake form where you provide responses to a number of questions about the experience of your menopause transition. Perhaps you would like to begin at Stage 1 and work your way through the 7 transformational stages over 7 sessions. Alternatively we can begin the at a stage you most strongly identify. Each session is a unique experience that is intuitively guided using a multidisciplinary framework involving tailored somatic processes and coaching, acupunture and sound healing. The session is a constant healing refinement as the transformation unfolds. Both practitioners are hands on throughout the session.

Benefits of Our Combined Approach

  • Holistic Healing: Address physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of menopause.

  • Personalised Care: Receive tailored treatments that honor your individual journey.

  • Empowerment: Gain tools and insights to navigate the stages of menopause with confidence.

  • Restoration: Experience relief from symptoms and a renewed sense of balance and vitality.

Book Your Session Today

We invite you to embark on this transformative journey with us. Whether you are at the beginning stages of menopause or seeking support through later phases, our 1:1 treatment sessions are here to guide and support you.

Schedule your appointment now and take the first step towards a harmonious and empowered menopause journey.

For more information and to book your session, please contact us

Rediscover your strength, embrace your transformation, and thrive through the stages of menopause with our unique blend of somatic coaching and acupuncture.

These sessions are for you if:

  • You're navigating the transformative journey of midlife and seeking guidance through the stages of (peri)menopause

  • You're emotionally adjusting to new roles, relationships, and self-identity

  • You're ready to prioritise your well-being during this significant life transition

  • You're seeking clarity and empowerment to embrace the wisdom and power that comes with age

  • You're open to exploring holistic approaches to health, wellness, and personal growth during menopause

  • Shae Elise Allen

    Transformational Coach for Midlife Women

    Shae is an embodiment and intimacy educator and executive wellness and leadership coach, supporting women at midlife. She has an eight year somatic bodywork and coaching practice where she partners with, guides and holds space for women’s deepest stories and transformation in relation to their body + intimacy, place + belonging and empowered self leadership. Shae also has a background in developing innovative leadership programs for women senior leaders and is an experienced coach in the corporate and NFP sectors.

  • Spiros Antoniades

    TCM Practitioner and founder of Acunidra

    Spiros currently owns Medica Complete Health in East Brunswick. His primary treating style is now a fusion of Chinese medicine, myotherapy, shiatsu, medicinal herbal remedies and craniosacral techniques. His main treatment areas are gynecological and conception, depression and anxiety/panic attacks, immunity boosting, weight management, dietary planning and muscular skeletal issues. He is the founder of Acunidra incorporating chinese medicine, sound healing and guided meditation. Learn more about Acunidra.